Is nowhere safe from Google Maps? See Colts stadium

I swear I fully expect to awaken one morning to find someone with a large camera strapped to his or her back standing at the foot of my bed. At this point my home may be the only place the Google Maps team has not gone. Give credit where it is due -- the Google Maps team is nothing if not intrepid and has gone down the trails of national parks and under the waves in places like the Great Barrier Reef, as well as covering the standard road-fare.
Now the team has ventured into the NFL arena, starting with Lucas Oil Stadium, home of number-one overall draft pick Andrew Luck and his Indianapolis Colts team.
Today Evan Rapoport, manger of the Google Maps team announces that his team has produced "the first imagery of inside an NFL stadium in Google Maps". He also tips off of plans to build "the most comprehensive, accurate and usable map of the world -- complete with imagery from inside your favorite sporting venues".
The new addition contains 360-degree images depicting, not only the field itself, but the Colts' locker room and the view the players have as they march down the tunnel before kickoff.
Although I am a bit put off that Rapoport refers to the locker room as the site where "coach Chuck Pagano gave his memorable post-game locker room speech on November 4, after an inspirational win against the Miami Dolphins". Easy there Evan -- those are my Dolphins you are referring to. I need no reminders of that fateful day.
Still, it is a neat trip into the bowels of yet another location that most of us will never see in person. You can view the images by searching for "Lucas Oil Stadium" or "Colts Stadium" in Google Maps on your browser or mobile device. Or, you could just head straight to Lucas Oil Stadium in Google Maps Street View.