Today Google made me want Glass

We all have heard about Google Glass -- for sometime now. There's talk it's coming (but not when) and that there are unique capabilities (but most details are under wraps). Google Glass is a bit of an enigma, and I have remained largely uninterested in the project. That changed this morning.
Google makes me want a product I had no idea I was even interested in -- I am pretty sure that's the intention. In fact, Google had me drooling in only two minutes and sixteen seconds -- talk about a good sales pitch. And the video did not even require many words to accomplish its task.
The video Google posted this morning depicts the world as seen through Glass, and it is a glorious place. Simple commands beginning with "Glass" result in photos, videos and information appearing right before your eyes.
As an example, my son and I love to mountain bike. We race down single-track trails at top speed looking for the toughest obstacles, the biggest logs to hop and the best jumps. We always talk about getting a GoPro camera to capture these memories -- or at least as evidence to next of kin about what transpired in our final moments.
That is, of course, a simple use for a product that will likely cost much more than a handlebar and helmet camera. But Glass will also provide much wider functionality. It will not be a product for a few extreme sports nuts, but sell to a wider audience. And, if Google supports this as the company does Android, then Glass will evolve even more than what you can get a glimpse of in this video.
The day is certainly drawing near -- Google is taking beta testers, though it will cost you to become one. Of course, Glass could be the new Nexus Q, but I have hopes for more. Sign me up....please!