New Google ad for the Nexus 10 may not make worldwide friends

The tiniest of details can sometimes lead to the thorniest of problems, which Google may discover with its brand new Nexus 10 ad which debuted today. The video seems innocent enough -- it follows a young couple through nine months of pregnancy as they plan for their new bundle of joy and discuss what to name the baby boy.
However, if you scroll through the comments of the just-posted one minute ad, you will find something interesting. Commentor Ram Gadde points out that "sex determination of fetus is prohibited in India". He then later opines that he thinks, for that reason, "this ad will be banned in India".
The commercial, for the most part has received a positive responses with ericcartmansh saying "steppin it up. Good stuff le Goog" and VaeVictus 666 chiming in "really well done ad. Good job Google".
After some quick digging, I determined that the aforementioned Indian law is actually in effect so, while if Google actually plans to run the ad in India, there is a chance it could be banned, it is likely not of any major concern to the company. Google will reap benefits from almost anywhere the clever little video is shown and can always make a separate ad for any markets that block it. The global market continues to make everything much simpler and yet much more complicated.