X-Doria KidFit is a watch-like wearable for children -- tracks sleep and activity


Many kids nowadays are lazy and sedentary. They come from school, sit on the couch, eat Go-Gurt and watch nonsense like Adventure Time. Actually, swap the Go-Gurt for Teddy Grahams and Adventure Time for Heathcliff and it sounds like my youth, but I digress. Kids don't play outside enough and thanks to smartphones and tablets, they don't get as much sleep as they should. Hell, can you blame them? If I had an iPad in the 80s, I never would have slept.

Today, a new product called KidFit from a company called X-Doria becomes available. In a nutshell, it is a watch-like wearable that you strap onto your kids, so you can track both their activity and sleep patterns. While some may claim the use of such a product is lazy parenting, I disagree; utilizing this technology is a proactive approach to combatting obesity and fatigue.

"An easy and intuitive interface, Bluetooth 4.0 technology and a straightforward one-button design, makes setup easy. User's simply download the KidFit app, press one button on the KidFit wristband and answer a few simple questions. KidFit will then automatically set daily activity and sleep goals for a quick start. Parents looking to further refine their child's KidFit goals can customize active time and sleep goals, amongst other settings at any time. KidFit is housed in a colorful, 'slap-band' style wristband that provides a continually adjustable, secure fit. With an IPX3 water-resistant rating and rechargeable battery capable of up to seven days of monitoring, KidFit is a true 24/7 activity monitor", says X-Doria.


The manufacturer further explains, "rather than just counting steps or calories, KidFit motivates a behavior change in children by making activities into a game, and encouraging any form of activity to meet daily goals. Built-in challenges centered around key measures of health, encourage continued engagement for both the short and long term. Goals focus on key metrics such as hitting your daily target score, getting enough sleep and distance traveled, so children are rewarded when goals are met. Parents can also create custom goals tied to real world rewards for extra motivation".


The device itself is rather inexpensive at $49.99 and comes in fun colors, such as black, aqua, hot pink, yellow and red. Best of all, it works with both iOS and Android, so most parents' smartphones and tablets will be compatible. If you are interested, you can order it here.

Would you strap a wearable to your child 24/7? Tell me in the comments.

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