Google takes Firebase under its wing in latest cloud acquisition

Firebase, a company helping developers to produce apps and services that store and sync data in realtime, is the latest Google acquisition. With a user base of 110,000 developers three-year-old Firebase announced that it is joining Google and plans to continue the work it already does, but pointing out it will be possible to "do much more, much faster" with Google's resources and backing.
With Firebase's focus on the cloud and mobile, it is little surprise that Google's own announcement about the acquisition came on the Google Cloud Platform Blog. The two companies appear to be a good match, with Firebase's aim to "continue to be platform agnostic and provide clients for iOS, Android, the web, and more" being very much in keeping with Google's own ethos.
Google explains that the entire Firebase team is joining the company and will remain under the leadership of co-founders James Tamplin and Andrew Lee. Developers can take advantage of Firebase with a single line of code. There's an invitation to: "Build realtime mobile and web apps in minutes using client-side code and our powerful API".
In its blog post, Google suggests that the fast-growing mobile market is "still too hard for most developers". However, "with Firebase, developers are able to easily sync data across web and mobile apps without having to manage connections or write complex sync logic. Firebase makes it easy to build applications that work offline and has full-featured libraries for all major web and mobile platforms, including Android and iOS".
No details have been released about any money that may have changed hands, but Google plans to show off new Firebase features at Google Cloud Platform Live on November 4.
Photo credit: Ken Wolter /