PS4 v2 update available today -- finally delivers Share Play, YouTube, themes and more

Sony is known for its engineering prowess in a lot of consumer goods, such as TVs, Walkmans, cameras, etc. But what it is not known for -- in any good way, at least -- is software. Sony's software is generally the low point of its product, which isn't unexpected, as software was never the firm's focus. So, when you look at the PS4 and Xbox One, you will notice Sony's advantage in pure gaming, while Microsoft brings software features likes apps (e.g. Skype), and multi-window support.
Sony's update today finally delivers some of the 'next-gen' software features it bragged about a year ago. Share Play is now available and lets your friend join your game, even if they don't own it themselves. There are some limitations without a PlayStation Plus membership, but that was to be expected. YouTube will finally get an app on the PlayStation store. Additionally, you can now use the 'Share' button to upload gameplay highlights directly to YouTube from your PS4.
You can personalize your home screen using provided backgrounds and colors, which isn't so impressive now that Xbox One is experimenting with letting you use a custom background. Sony is giving away themes for Destiny and Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, but if the only option to get newer and 'cooler' themes is to buy them, it's not looking great.
Sony has also upgraded the usability of the PS4. The update adds enhancements to live broadcasting, like filters. The content area and library have better filters and sort functions. You can now plug a USB drive into the PS4 and play music in the background. The activity feed is also seeing upgrades to what it considers relevant information for you.
Lastly, the PS Vita, PS TV, and PS App (for mobile) have all been updated.
All in all, Sony is upgrading the PS4 in the little ways that don't always make headlines, but enhance your experience. It remains a video-game focused machine, without the fancy (or gimmicky, to some) voice and software features of its competitor -- but if you bought the PS4, that is probably your preference anyway. You can go over the details at Sony, or watch the video below.