Pebble hits the magic one million user mark

The Pebble watch has come a long way, from Kickstarter darling to success in the market. It's becoming a crowded playing field, though Pebble has the name recognition to compete. That's why it's become the success it now is, with new and innovative versions and colors.
Now the smartwatch maker announces numbers. It seems the company has hit the magical one million mark in terms of users. That's a lot of wrists that now have the device strapped on (I'm one of them).
"Our path to this milestone is what excites our team the most. We got here because of Pebblers—backers, users, developers, fans, partners, friends, family, and colleagues—supporting us along the way. Every win, milestone, and achievement is thanks to you. We’ll take that path to growth any day of the week, 24/7, 365 days a year", the company states.
Pebble goes a bit further, hinting at big things on the horizon in 2015, though what is in store was not mentioned. The company also takes a moment to advertise to (or for) developers -- "If you (or a friend) develop for Android or iOS, are passionate about bringing wearables to the masses, want to push Pebble to the next level, and love working with an awesome team at an innovative company, check out our Jobs page to get in touch!"