What do you want in a mobile operating system?

I'm not going to open the 'which mobile operating system is best' can of worms -- let's get that clear from the offset. This is not me trying to push my preferred operating system on you, or trying to convince you that you're wrong about the OS you've opted for. This time it's over to you. What you do want?
Do you want things handed to you on a plate, or would you prefer to be granted more control over the operating system on your phone and tablet? Is there mobile platform that meets your needs at the moment, or would you like to combine elements from Android, iOS, Windows Phone and even BlackBerry OS? Just what is it that makes the perfect operating system for your phone or tablet?
We are currently presented with what is essentially a three horse race, with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. Whilst anyone buying a handset has clearly indicated their preference, few would claim the OS installed on their phone is perfect. Whether you've opted for iOS, Windows Phone or Android, you will almost certainly have spent time weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of each before placing your chips on the one that had the most positives and fewest negatives according to your requirements.
But even if you are happy with your choice, you probably had to make the odd compromise here and there.
Maybe you opted for the operating system that came installed on the hardware you could afford, maybe you were swayed by brand image. Perhaps your key concern was the ability access the widest range of apps, or perhaps you needed an app that is only available for one particular operating system. If security is what worries you most, this made have caused you to give one operating system a wide berth.
Do you want to be in complete control of your phone? Looked at through the most objective of eyes it's fair to say that some operating systems lend themselves to personalization and customization more than others. But is this at the expense of security or user experience -- and does it matter? Of course, there is not really a perfect operating system -- what works for one person will not be suited to someone else. Microsoft, Google and Apple all -- obviously -- aim to please as many people as possible with the software they put out, but there's a danger that this means trying to please everyone and ending up pleasing no one.
So… over to you. Does your perfect operating system already exist, or are there changes that need to be made to attain perfection? What elements, if any, would you like to borrow from the competition, or do you think there are key features that are missing from all of the main mobile operating systems? Vent your spleen, spill your vitriol, list your desires, and sing praises in the comments -- I'm interested to learn just what everyone is looking for.
Photo credit: max sattana / Shutterstock