Snapchat for Android, iOS gets two-factor authentication

Snapchat has bolted on some extra security to its Android and iOS apps in the form of two-factor authentication.
The Verge spotted that with the latest version of the Snapchat app, when you log on from a new device, the software will send a text to the mobile registered with your account containing a security number.
You will then need to enter this number to proceed, therefore thwarting any attacker who may have nefariously gleaned your login details (unless they happen to have access to your phone as well -- which is, hopefully, very unlikely).
Note that you will need to turn this login verification option on under Settings.
Another change with this latest version of the app is the introduction of battery filters -- although all this does is add your battery status to any image in the form of an overlay to show whether or not you’re running out of juice.
Quite why you would want to share that information isn’t clear, but then you could say the same thing about Facebook status updates concerning what people have just had for breakfast.
Over a hundred million people are now using Snapchat on a daily basis, and on Twitter, a representative of the service recently indicated that a Windows Phone app is finally in the pipeline -- although there were no promises for its arrival in the near future.
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