People are more interested in the iPod than the Apple Watch

So apparently, people are more interested in dead things than the Apple Watch, and it’s a devastating statistic.
According to a chart for Apple, from Pacific Crest analyst Andy Hargreaves, people are more interested in the iPod than the Apple Watch. No, that was not a typo, I wasn’t trying to say iPad. I meant -- iPod, the thing that’s basically been dead for years now.
The interest was measured by Google Trends, back from mid-March to last week.
The Apple Watch was the company’s first new product since the launch of the iPad back in 2010. Even though the initial demand was strong, and the watch selling out basically everywhere, Hargreaves thinks the company probably won’t achieve its goals for this year.
"After strong initial demand, follow-on interest in Apple Watch appears mediocre", he says.
As Business Insider writes in a report, he believes Apple will ship some 11 million units by September, which is still pretty good. However, his view is "confidence" in the product is in a decline.
He thinks Apple could whiff on his estimate of Apple selling 24 million watches in fiscal year 2016.
Apple has done a great job marketing the new product, with demands running so high that it’s only been today since the watch could actually be bought in a store.
However, with critics saying the apps are slow and almost useless, and the watch itself not enhancing the phone in a way everyone expected, we could see the Watch ending up as complete failure.
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