How secure are professional services companies?
The number of high profile security breaches in recent years highlights the risk for individual organizations. But what about the risks that stem from other businesses in the supply chain?
Security ratings specialist BitSight has released new data that looks at the overall security ratings of four common business services industries -- law, PR, accounting and benefits administration -- each of which have access to sensitive data.
BitSight scores the performance of companies across different sectors to produce a security rating between 250 and 900, it also looked at the average number of days taken to fix a problem. The benefits administartion sector comes out on top with an industry average score of 740 and a fix time of 1.8 days. Next is accounting with 725 and 1.9. The legal sector only manages a score of 670 but has an impressive remediation time of 1.3 days. PR brings up the rear on 615 and 2.3 days.
The study underlines that businesses need to be aware of which third parties have access to their data, what security measures they have in place and communicate any potential issues.
You can see more information including how the ratings are calculated in the infographic below or on the BitSight blog.
Photo Credit: Alexander Kirch/Shutterstock