Buggy Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10549 released to Fast ring

Hot on the heels of a new desktop build, Microsoft has now released Windows 10 Mobile Insider Preview Build 10549 to Fast ring Windows Phone users. While there are a fair number of improvements and new features, there is also a serious problem for anyone upgrading from Build 10536 -- although there is a work around.
So that’s the bad news, what's the good? Riding the current wave of interest in diversity, this build includes diverse emoji; a recognition of the fact that there are many hues of skin color. There are improvements to the messaging app -- although no Skype integration just yet -- and to Cortana, but that's not the end of the story.
Lumia 1020 owners will be pleased to find that Lumia Camera is no longer uninstalled by the preview build, and there are a number of bug fixes for everyone else as well. A problem with the keyboard vanishing has been addressed, and the Windows Camera app is now less crash prone. Call-blocking now works, vibrate-only alarms make a re-appearance, and problematic screenshots have been fixed. Other fixes include pinch-to-zoom in Maps now working, and SD card based apps launching properly.
But what of that awkward upgrade bug? Gabe Aul says that it was a last minute discovery, and rather than delay the release, the team wanted to push the build out anyway. Upgrading from Build 10536 will result in a black screen, but there are no issues upgrading from Windows Phone 8.1 -- so you can downgrade and go that route:
- Go back to Windows 8.1 first using the Windows Device Recovery Tool.
- Once you’re on Windows Phone 8.1, install the Windows Insider app, choose the Fast ring, and reboot your phone.
- After that the build should download and install on your phone.
This is not the only problem with the build. Aul warns that some apps may be 'missing' post installation and will need to be restored by performing a reset. Calling through Skype for Business, WhatsApp and other apps will not be possible until the apps are uninstalled and reinstalled. There are also issues with notifications.