Apple video explains how to use Apple Pay to pay for things... like apples

There's quite a lot of competition in the digital payment arena at the moment. Apple Pay is one of the latest to join the likes of Samsung Pay and Android Pay, and Apple is keen to demonstrate just how easy it is to use its payment system.
For many people, using a smartphone to pay for coffee is an intuitive process, but Apple wants to sell its service to more people. The company needs to break down any barriers that might be standing in the way of new users adopting Apple Pay, and this is the reason for the appearance of a video that serves as a 'how to' guide.
Described by Apple a showing "how easy it is to set up Apple Pay and make quick, secure and private payments from your iPhone", the video serves as something of an idiot's guide. After all, making a payment doesn’t get much simpler than waving your phone at a magic box while you present your fingertip to the Touch ID sensor.
As well as showing how Apple Pay can be used in physical stores, the video also shows how it can be used to make online payments. Check it out below:
Photo credit: Olha Insight / Shutterstock