Universal USB Installer adds Windows 10 support

Bootable USB key creator Universal USB Installer has been updated with new support for Windows 10.
The developer says it’s "untested", but we pointed the program at a Windows 10 setup ISO, and it built a bootable USB version without difficulty.
The new release also adds support for the penetration testing distros Caine, Pentoo and Parrot Security OS.
And as before, there’s support for building Live Linux USB environments for a wide variety of distros: Ubuntu and its many variants, Linux Mint, Debian, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Puppy Linux and many more, as well as antivirus rescue kits from Avira, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, E-SET, F-Secure and others.
If you simply need a way to create a Windows 10 installer on a USB key then Microsoft’s Media Creation Tool remains the best option, as there are no extra options to get in the way, and it’ll download the latest build for you.
But if you’re looking for something, well, more "universal", then Universal USB Installer is a welcome update to an already excellent package. Go grab a copy if you don’t have one already.