German startup has greener data center than Facebook and Google


You might think Apple or Google have the greenest datacenters, but it’s actually a German startup called Cloud&Heat that takes the crown.

The company said it managed to realize the lowest energy consumption and has "undercut Google’s optimum value by 40 percent".

"The latest results measured in our data centre at Wallotstraße in Dresden undercut the energy values of the most modern and efficient server facilities significantly. Also, those of Google and Facebook", says Nicolas Röhrs, CEO of Cloud&Heat.

Reference values of the measurement methods are the Power Usage Effectiveness value, PUE, and the Energy Reuse Effectiveness value, ERE. "We have achieved a sensational PUE of 1.01* and a ERE of 0.62**, with regard to a year. This is the lowest measured value worldwide. We have not reached this value in cool Scandinavia or Alaska but in our data centre in Dresden, Germany, with a current expansion stage of 60 percent", says Röhrs

This latest server generation will be presented, exclusively, during the CeBIT, March 14 - 18. There, the Dresden, Germany-based start-up will demonstrate a continuous live-measurements of its power usage effectiveness (PUE).

"We verifiably operate the energy- and cost-efficient data centre in the world. Two years ago, nobody has trusted us to achieve this", says founder and physicist Dr. Jens Struckmeier.

The company compares its datacenter with Google’s and Facebook’s: "Our values undercut Google’s PUE about four percent and the ERE about 42 percent. For a company like Google, these four percent already mean an energy saving in the double-digit million".

"With this technology, the carbon dioxide emission could be reduced by several thousand tons -- even without considering reusing the heat. Our system meets all requirements of a sustainable IT landscape and fulfil the standards of data security made in Germany", explains Röhrs.

"The high efficiency can mainly be justified by the used water cooling and the waiver of any cooling systems. Furthermore, the air is pre-cooled according to the needs over an existing underground car park, so that a cooling can take place all year", concludes Röhrs.

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Image Credit: potowizard / Shutterstock

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