Anonymous takes the FBI to task for corruption

Hacktivist collective Anonymous targets all sorts of people and organizations. Past and on-going operations have focused on Islamic State, white supremacists, the Church of Scientology, Ku Klux Klan, and Donald Trump.
Whatever your view on Anonymous, the group certainly likes to pick fights with high profile foes. The latest organization to have the Anonymous spotlight shone on its affairs is the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
There’s no operation this time, however, instead the group has put together a video detailing the top ten FBI corruptions.
Anonymous introduces the slick, nearly 19-minute video by saying:
Supported large in part by its glamorized reputation in film and the media, the Federal Bureau of Investigation tries to retain the image of a patriotic legion bringing justice to the streets of America. Quite often, however, we have found this to be opposite of the truth. Here's our top 10 list of FBI corruptions that will make you question this department’s value, relevancy and motives.
It’s a very interesting watch, and covers a diverse selection of topics from decades of flawed testimony in a forensic scandal, to the FBI’s role in the rounding up and interment of women and children of Japanese descent -- including Star Trek’s George Takei -- from the west coast of America during World War II.
This is the second such video from Anonymous. The first listed the collective’s own top ten accomplishments.