Microsoft Edge is the best browser for Netflix -- the only that offers 1080p on the desktop

Internet Explorer has been much-maligned over the years, and Microsoft Edge sees the Redmond company trying to shake off the shackles of the past. Its latest marketing push finds Microsoft claiming that Edge is the best desktop web browser for Netflix viewing.
The reason? In addition to claims about greater battery efficiency, Microsoft's killer blow is that Edge is the only of the main desktop browsers to support 1080p viewing. It might seem like a surprising and audacious claim, but the test bears it out. Microsoft Edge has a serious unique selling point.
Microsoft's lauding of Edge comes in a blog post in which the company points out that Firefox, Chrome and Opera are limited to 720p. Pre-empting any concerns that this extra quality comes at the expense of longevity, Microsoft points out that its own test shows that "Microsoft Edge provided the highest quality content and also delivered the longest battery life".
With everyone so keen on accessing the highest quality content possible, you might be tempted to take Microsoft's claims with a pinch of salt. But further testing by PC World shows them to be entirely correct:
A quick test of all four browsers by PCWorld proved this claim to be true, with the other three browsers capped at 720p.
This is a real boon for Microsoft, and something that -- sufficiently advertised -- could push more and more users to Edge... even if it is only for their Netflix and chill sessions.
Photo credit: ByEmo / Shutterstock