Arxan guards against application layer threats

Cyber attacks are increasingly happening at the mobile and IoT application layer. This allows hackers to bypass server-level security and go straight for the binary code, to steal IP, credentials and other sensitive information.
Attack prevention company Arxan Technologies is launching new features to help guard against this type of threat. These include new and enhanced support for major operating systems and languages, including QNX (a subsidiary of Blackberry) and Apple's Swift programming language, as well as new white-box cryptographic schemes including SHA-3.
"As more attacks occur at the mobile and IoT application layer, binary code protection has become a critical line of defense," says Sam Rehman, CTO of Arxan. "Nefarious actors continue to manipulate binary code in order to steal IP, credentials and other sensitive information by bypassing security controls, injecting malware, hijacking apps, as well as a host of other exploits. Arxan continues to pave the way in application attack prevention and self-protection and our innovative technology and unyielding customer support help our clients stay ahead of the latest attacks".
Arxan's technology defends applications against attacks, detects attempted attacks at run-time, and deters attacks by stopping, alerting or repairing detected threats. It offers solutions for software running on mobile devices, desktops, servers, and embedded platforms, including those connected as part of the Internet of Things. The technology is aimed at industries including mobile banking, mobile payments, connected cars, connected medical devices, gaming, and digital media, among others.
More information is available on the Arxan website or at the company's stand at this week's Black Hat USA in Las Vegas.
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