Open source champion Google becomes Cloud Foundry Foundation gold member

Say what you want about Google, but the company is clearly a major proponent of open source ideology. Some people criticize the search giant for making billions on the back of open source (such as with Android), but Google is a code contributor too. You know what? If a company can have success using open source code, that is a good thing -- as long as it is properly licensed, of course.
Today, Google announces that it has joined the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a gold member. This is yet another example of the search giant's open source focus. Google joins some other respected companies at this membership level, such as Verizon, GE Digital, and Huawei to name a few. For whatever reason, the search giant stopped short of committing as the highest-level platinum member, however.
"From the beginning, our goal for Google Cloud Platform has been to build the most open cloud for all developers and businesses alike, and make it easy for them to build and run great software. A big part of this is being an active member of the open source community and working directly with developers where they are, whether they’re at an emerging startup or a large enterprise. Today we're pleased to announce that Google has joined the Cloud Foundry Foundation as a Gold member to further our commitment to these goals", says Brian Stevens, Vice President, Google Cloud.
Stevens further shares, "joining the Cloud Foundry Foundation allows us to be even more engaged and collaborative with the entire Cloud Foundry ecosystem. And as we enter 2017, we look forward to even more integrations and more innovations between Google, the Cloud Foundry Foundation and our joint communities".
Since Google has already been collaborating with the Cloud Foundry Foundation, joining as a gold member is arguably symbolic. Still, having such an important company listed as a member definitely looks good.
Photo Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH / Shutterstock