New platform helps enterprises comply with privacy regulations

Privacy regulations like the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mean that enterprises can face substantial fines for non-compliance.
As 2016 saw a record number of personal record data breaches this is something all businesses need to take seriously.
At RSA today, privacy specialist BigID is announcing the general availability and pricing for its new enterprise privacy management platform. This looks to help companies protect their customers' personal data through the application of machine learning and identity intelligence to data privacy.
"It has become increasingly difficult for companies to stay ahead of data breaches. As a reaction to this, many countries have introduced new regulations that place an unprecedented level of accountability on enterprises for the personal data they collect with penalties that can reach 10 percent of overall global revenue," says Dimitri Sirota CEO and co-founder of BigID. "Our platform provides a data-centered solution that helps companies meet new data protection and privacy challenges."
BigID offers ground up data intelligence and governance requirements for satisfying GDPR requirements, like meeting data subject rights, automating and simplifying Privacy Impact Assessments, ensuring prompt and accurate breach response and tracking privacy requirements around consent, residency, cross-border flows and retention.
Using BigID enterprises can satisfy GDPR and similar regulations while also enhancing personal data breach prevention, detection, defense and response.
More information is available on the BigID website and at the company’s booth at the Early Stage Expo at the RSA Conference.
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