Twitter's redesign basically comprises old fashioned rounded buttons and new icons

It has been a while since Twitter was treated to a new lick of paint, but that all changes today. A new look is rolling out, and "round" is the word that springs most readily to mind.
Think back to the look of the web around 15 years ago -- all rounded corners and the like -- and you're in the right ballpark. Online there are not only rounded buttons and round profile pictures, but also redesigned, wireframe icons. Mobile users are also treated to a new look.
The redesign is certainly not going to be to everyone's taste. The rounded theme does feel rather dated, and the refreshed typography -- including bolder headlines -- leaves a little to be desired. Some of the changes have already been made available in the beta versions of Twitter apps, but now the rollout starts to everyone.
As well as the website, the redesign is also making its way to the main Twitter apps, Twitter Lite and TweetDeck on iOS and Android.
Here are the changes in full:
- Profile, additional accounts, settings, and privacy -- all in one place! A new side navigation menu and fewer tabs at the bottom of our app = less clutter and easier browsing. You told us you loved this change on Android last year and we're excited to now bring it to iOS.
- Links to articles and websites now open in Safari's viewer in the Twitter app so you can easily access accounts on websites you're already signed into. (iOS only)
- We've refined our typography to make it more consistent, and added bolder headlines to make it easier to focus on what's happening. Also, rounded profile photos make it clearer to see what’s being said and who’s saying it.
- More intuitive icons make it easier to engage with Tweets -- especially if you're coming to Twitter for the first time. For example, people thought the reply icon, an arrow, meant delete or go back to a previous page. We switched to a speech bubble, a symbol most know and love. We also made the icons lighter for more seamless interaction.
- Tweets now update instantly with reply, Retweet, and like counts so you can see conversations as they’re happening -- live. (not on or Twitter Lite)
The changes are rolling out over the next few days, so if you don’t see anything different just yet, you shouldn’t have to wait too long.