7 AI trends you can expect in 2020

It's hard to believe that artificial intelligence is in its earliest stages. But for however many Alexas and self-driving cars we have now, experts say we have only scratched the surface of what AI can achieve.
In 2020, we'll see even more new applications of it -- here's what to expect.
1. Diagnosing Medical Issues
The healthcare industry is just one place where AI will expand next year. Namely, doctors will begin to use smart devices to help them as they diagnose a patient's illness and give a prognosis.
The tough part will be translating such software from system to system. In the end, the technology should spread from hospital departments to other medical outlets.
2. Predictive vs. Instantaneous
Nowadays, we have quick-moving apps and websites that respond as soon as we click.
But in 2020, technology won't just be responsive -- it'll start to predict what we want ahead of time. To do so, it will rely on gathered data as well as broader trends to calculate probabilities. That information combined with AI will allow technology to become predictive.
3. Voice-Centric Apps
The possibilities with conversational AI seem endless. With it, users can share information, engage in commerce and engage with a particular brand or program. These potentials will come to life in 2020 as experts create new ways to use voice technology.
Smart devices have all but maxed out their uses, but other apps will start to incorporate voice technology. For instance, food-delivery apps will begin to use voice-based ordering systems. So, developers will have to re-hone their apps so that they're voice-forward and ready for 2020.
4. Digital Companions
Smart cars have long been on the road, and, now, they'll be even more intuitive to use. Namely, AI will allow engineers to include a co-driving companion who helps you as you drive from point A to point B.
The companion will likely predict what you need while you drive, assist you in using the in-car technology and provide other useful aids along the way.
5. Kinder AI Personalities
When you speak to an AI character now, you get a digital-sounding helper on the other end. Sure, such applications do provide the information you need, but they don't present with much empathy. In 2020, though, these personalities will start to take on human characteristics.
Namely, AI aids will become more emotionally intuitive -- for instance, if users seem frustrated, they'll notice this in their voices and react accordingly. Plus, experts predict that AI should become better at understanding context, thus improving the technology's reactions, too.
6. Smart Technology at Work
We already have plenty of smart technology making its way into our homes. Whether you have an Alexa, a fitness tracker or a TV that logs onto the web, you know how convenient such applications can be.
In 2020, similarly smart tech will make its way into workplaces, too. Namely, experts predict that such devices will improve meetings with boosted user experience and productivity. So, when it's time for a conference call or group brainstorming session, get ready to plug into AI.
7. Improved Automation
In 2020, AI will help companies to enhance automation in areas where they couldn't use it before. For instance, a well-leveraged AI system can help recruiters to remove biased language from any job postings they're going to share.
Indeed, AI could be a great resource to recruiters as they filter through potential hires, too. In the end, though, it would have to be up to an actual employee to choose the final candidate, but AI can streamline the process.
AI in 2020
Artificial intelligence has already begun to change the world, and that trend will only continue next year.
These are only seven changes to expect -- you'll probably see even more tech innovations make their way into your daily life, so keep an eye out for AI in 2020.
Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock
Kayla Matthews is a senior writer at MakeUseOf and a freelance writer for Digital Trends. To read more from Kayla, visit her website productivitybytes.com.