Hybrid working has boosted Apple adoption in the enterprise

The switch to remote and hybrid working has seen 76 percent of enterprises report increased use of Apple devices, according to a new study from device management company Kandji.
Mac notebook computer use is up the most with a 63 percent reported increase. Additionally, over half (53 percent) of respondents report that requests for Apple devices have increased in the past two years, and far more report bigger increases in requests for Apple (42 percent) than any other device (11 percent).
"When given the choice, most employees choose to use Apple devices at work," says Adam Pettit, founder and CEO of Kandji. "By April 2020, 70 percent of the workplace reported that they worked from home -- an all-time high. Personal and professional work environments became one in the same, increasing desire for the familiar Apple experience in both settings. Demand for Apple devices at work will continue to escalate, as the remote workplace becomes the standard."
Almost half (48 percent) of respondents say Apple devices are more advantageous for hybrid workers compared to Windows/Android ones. Also, 54 percent of those managing the devices report they are more confident in the ability to manage Apple devices than those who manage Windows devices (37 percent more confident). IT leaders agree with 56 percent more confident in the ability to remotely manage Apple devices versus Windows. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents say Apple devices are more expensive to buy up front but prove less expensive to maintain and support in the long run, plus 84 percent say Apple devices are more secure than devices from other vendors.
"The data indicates that Apple devices are a great fit for hybrid work environments," adds Pettit. "If this is any indication of the future growth of Apple in the enterprise, we have much to look forward to in the modern workplace."
The full report is available from the Kandji site.