Google or Amazon dropped the ball after Amazon Music outage

For most of one day last week, a majority of Amazon Music and Ring customers suffered a catastrophic outage when Amazon’s own Amazon Web Services (AWS) went down for hours. Whether you were missing music or vital security, it was a long day for many people.
The system came back up gradually; here and there a site or app would work, but sometimes only briefly. By that evening, US east coast (EST) time, everything was back up and running as normal.
Save one system. While the Chrome browser for Windows was playing nice once more, things weren’t so good on Chrome OS, where Amazon Music now thinks the browser is out of date, even when you are running the latest version of the operating system/browser.
This isn’t new, as users experienced a similar issue back in June of 2019. That time there was a workaround, but it’s no longer an option. At the time, resetting permissions worked, now it does not. Updates over the past couple of years have essentially taken the option away.
For now, it seems the only thing Chromebook users who want to play Amazon Music in their browser can do is wait for the next Chromebook update. We’ll assume most of you have alternative platforms. After all, you have Windows, Apple, Android, iOS, and Alexa to choose from.