Untrained workers don't know who to turn to when faced with cybersecurity threats

Without training, 21 percent of the workforce don't not know who to go to when faced with a cybersecurity threat.
A new report from security awareness training platform KnowBe4 shows that annual security training reduces that percentage to 17 percent.
But it's regular repetition that creates the most significant change. When quarterly training is given 15 percent don't know what to do. But those who have completed monthly training show the best results, with only 12 percent not knowing who to contact.
The report also looks at training frequencies across industries, with education, technology and healthcare and pharmaceuticals coming in lowest on monthly training, meanwhile, hospitality and transportation are leading with 28 and 20 percent respectively training monthly. Across the board increasing the frequency at which employees complete security awareness training has an almost universal positive influence.
KnowBe4's CEO Stu Sjouwerman says, "Monthly training brings about an improved understanding of the terminology and knowledge about why the procedures are in place, as well as the correct channels for communication of threats. As the data demonstrates, ensuring that this vital information is communicated regularly is a necessary step in securing an organisation of any size and contributes to creating a stronger security culture."
The full report is available from the KnowBe4 site.
Image credit: vesves/Shutterstock