Ian Barker

How the internet is keeping over 50s alive

We hear a lot about the negative aspects of the internet, but a new report from Atlas VPN shows that internet users aged 50 and older have a 33 percent lower risk of death than non-users.

Older adults who use the internet have a 19 percent lower risk of a stroke than those who do not, while internet use among individuals aged 50 and above is also associated with a 17 percent lower risk of diabetes.

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The challenges of securing the healthcare sector [Q&A]

The healthcare sector is particularly attractive to cybercriminals due to the amount of personal data held and the critical nature of many systems.

We spoke to Shankar Somasundaram, CEO of IoT risk management platform Asimily, to discuss healthcare systems and the challenges involved in securing them.

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IT leaders worry about security despite being prepared

business fear

While 92 percent of IT business leaders believe they've made the right security investments and 88 percent say they meet all compliance requirements, half still worry about their company's security.

New research by Propeller Insights for AppDirect shows top areas of concern include cybersecurity risk (58 percent), information security risk (53 percent) and compliance risk (39 percent).

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Almost half of developers think ML projects take up too much time

Before developers can generate machine learning insights, they need to configure different aspects of complex infrastructure, such as machine resource management, monitoring, and feature extraction, but many think this is too time consuming.

New research from Civo finds that of over 500 developers surveyed, 48 percent believe that ML projects take up too much time.

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Generative AI sparks excitement and uncertainty

A new survey from Betterworks shows that the arrival of generative AI has generated excitement, experimentation, innovation, fear, and uncertainty among employees and organizations.

The research, conducted by Propeller Insights, shows over half of employees are using GenAI at work for complex activities and believe it has the potential to reduce bias across a range of processes, despite the fact that only 41 percent of organizations are actively evaluating it or have made GenAI a priority.

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AWS launches its own thin client for enterprises

As more and more organizations turn to SaaS and cloud solutions, having a powerful PC as a desktop solution becomes hard to justify, not to mention the support and security issues that come along with it.

Step forward AWS with the launch of the Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client, aimed at enterprise workers in order to reduce an employer's technology costs and provide enhanced security.

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Information overload puts cybersecurity at risk

stressed overwork pressure

Over half of today's office workers are ignoring important cybersecurity alerts and warnings due to information overload from digital communication.

New research from CybSafe, based on a survey of 1,000 office workers, shows 54 percent have ignore warnings, while 47 per cent admitted to feeling the information overload is having an impact on their ability to identify threats such as suspicious emails.

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From castles to cities -- a modern approach to authorization [Q&A]

Corporate information security has traditionally used the 'castle' approach, using a strong boundary to keep everything secure.

But as we've moved to hybrid working and more sharing of information the castle is too restrictive and we've moved towards a 'city' model, allowing open routes to trade with assets widely distributed.

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Open source skills could help drive UK economic growth

open source

Open Source contributed 27 percent of the UK tech sector's Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2022, according to a new report from OpenUK, the non-profit organization representing the UK’s open technology sector.

The report finds that there are 3.2 million GitHub accounts in the UK and 8,200 UK contributors to open source projects in the past year. There have also been1,700 new contributors to open source projects in the last 12 months, representing 20.7 percent growth.

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Why building management system cybersecurity is critical [Q&A]

Building management systems (BMS) are responsible for controlling and monitoring various building services such as HVAC, energy, elevators, escalators, surveillance and access control.

They're crucial for service delivery across industries, including critical infrastructure such as energy, utilities, and healthcare. But they're also a significant of an organization's cyber risk due to their integration with IT networks and the internet.

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Out of control data puts compliance at risk

According to a new report, 66 percent of IT decision makers (ITDMs) are worried that data is spiraling out of control in their organization and that this is putting compliance at risk.

The study of 850 ITDMs carried out for Cloudera shows that 63 percent of organizations believe siloed data makes it harder for them to comply with data compliance regulations.

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Companies step up investment in ransomware protection

endpoint protection

In the wake of the MOVEit vulnerability, which affected an estimated 40 million people around the world, businesses are stepping up their investment in ransomware protection.

A new study carried out by Censuswide for Veeam Software surveyed 100 directors of UK companies with over 500 employees who had suffered a ransomware attack in the past 18 months and finds 24 percent report they are significantly more anxious about ransomware attacks as a direct result of the MOVEit breach.

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Stressed staff put enterprises at risk of cyberattack

stressed overwork pressure

A new survey from detection and response specialist Adarma reveals that organizations believe they are at significant risk of cyberattack due to stressed and exhausted staff.

The study of 500 cybersecurity professionals from UK organizations with over 2000 employees finds 51 percent believe their security operations staff are challenged, stressed, frustrated and/or exhausted, which could be putting businesses at risk.

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'Application Generation' wants better digital experience

A new report from Cisco finds 62 percent of consumers say that their expectations of digital experiences are far higher now than they were two years ago.

It also charts the rise of what it calls the 'Application Generation.' Aged 18-34, this group relies on applications like no generation before, having used them to navigate the pandemic and today, to live and thrive in a hybrid world.

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Why structured data offers LLMs tremendous benefits -- and a major challenge [Q&A]

Digital data

ChatGPT and other LLMs are designed to train and learn from unstructured data -- namely, text. This has enabled them to support a variety of powerful use cases.

However, these models struggle to analyze structured data, such as numerical and statistical information organized in databases, limiting their potential.

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