Ian Barker

Organizations face increased challenges securing IoT devices

IoT security

We reported earlier today that businesses are struggling with IoT device connectivity, another report out today shows that securing these devices is a major problem too.

The study for Keyfactor, conducted by Vanson Bourne, finds 97 percent are struggling to secure their IoT and connected products to some degree.

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CISOs turn to generative AI to cover skills gaps

AI security

A new report finds 86 percent CISOs are turning to generative AI in order to alleviate skills gaps and talent shortages on the security team, filling labor-intensive and time-consuming security functions and freeing up security professionals to be more strategic.

The study from Splunk shows 35 percent are using generative AI for positive security applications and 61 percent say they will likely use it within the next 12 months. On the other side of the coin 70 percent believe that generative AI could give cyber adversaries more opportunities to commit attacks

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Businesses struggle with IoT device connectivity

Wireless internet of things

A new report finds that IoT success is being jeopardized with just one percent of respondents achieving better than 98 percent connectivity levels on average across their devices.

The study, by connectivity solutions specialist Eseye, shows that only 16 percent of respondents are achieving more than 95 percent connectivity. Mission-critical IoT devices -- medical equipment for example -- require near-100 percent connectivity and the fact that companies are prepared to accept poor performance is concerning.

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Cybersecurity best practice? No thanks, we're British

New research to coincide with Cybersecurity Awareness Month finds that 34 percent of Brits admit that they have given up following cybersecurity best practice because it feels like an impossible task.

The study from Thales surveyed over 2,000 UK citizens and finds an alarming level of consumer apathy when it comes to keeping themselves safe online.

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How AppSec can help enterprises make sense of cloud-native development [Q&A]

Cloud maze complexity

Today's application security landscape is complex and can lead to teams spending a lot of time hunting down vulnerabilities. Add in the move to cloud-based development and there's an even higher volume of code to deal with

We spoke to Shahar Man, CEO at Backslash Security, to learn more about what AppSec needs to look like in this world and how it ties in with greater use of the cloud.

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month turns 20

20th birthday cake

October, as you might have noticed, is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Now in its 20th year, this aims to bring the public and private sectors to work together to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity.

As always industry experts are keen to use the event to offer views on the security landscape, here we round up some of their comments.

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Meeting the challenges of API security [Q&A]


In today's increasingly digitally-centered organizations, the development of products, services, and solutions increasingly depends on the implementation of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

APIs have become the building blocks of modern business applications and are critical to digital transformation -- so much so that API security has become a boardroom issue.

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UK regulator to investigate hyperscalers' dominance of the cloud market

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is launching a market investigation into the supply of public cloud infrastructure services in the UK. Between them, Amazon and Microsoft enjoy a combined market share of 60-70 percent of Britain's cloud computing industry.

This follows a referral by telecoms regulator Ofcom which has expressed concerns around egress fees, discounts -- which may incentivize customers to use only one cloud provider, and technical barriers to switching.

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New platform aims to enhance AI research accuracy


AI is making its way into more and more areas of life and work. In some areas though, particularly scientific research, it's vitally important to ensure the accuracy of results.

Norwegian company Iris.ai has developed a method to measure the factual accuracy of AI-generated content -- testing precision and recall, fact tracing, and extraction.

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Ransomware is deployed faster as cybercriminals seek to avoid detection

ransomware laptop

Ransomware is being deployed within one day of initial access in more than 50 percent of engagements, according to research from Secureworks Counter Threat Unit.

In the last 12 months the median dwell time identified in the annual Secureworks State of the Threat Report has fallen from 4.5 days to less than one day. In 10 percent of cases, ransomware was even deployed within five hours of initial access.

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Exploring how AI-powered chatbots are changing the business world [Q&A]

Artificial intelligence

Thanks to high-profile tools like ChatGPT, we've witnessed AI appearing in more and more areas and projects this year. Next week sees the launch of the latest Chatbot Summit, held at ExCel London on October 11-12, bringing together industry experts to share practical skills, knowledge, and insights.

We spoke with Chatbot Summit 2024 founder and executive chairman, Yoav Barel, to discuss the impact of AI technology and how businesses can prepare, as well as what summit attendees can expect from the event.

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Stream-jacking targets popular YouTube channels

New research from Bitdefender reveals a rise in 'stream-jacking' attacks against high-profile accounts in order to spread fraudulent messages.

The attacks may involve a full account takeover or simply luring followers to a mimicked channel with the promise of rewards using various techniques including livestream pop-ups, QR codes, and malicious links.

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Why digital transformation is key to managing supplier relationships [Q&A]

Digital transformation

Digital transformation doesn't just affect your own business, it has a major influence on your relationships with suppliers and partners too.

We talked to Dan Amzallag, COO at Ivalua, to discuss the impact of digital transformation on the supplier ecosystem and procurement processes.

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Gen Z twice as likely to think cybersecurity isn't worth the effort

In a study that echoes the findings we reported earlier today on employee security habits, research from the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) and CybSafe finds that Gen Z is twice as likely as older generations to think cybersecurity isn't worth the effort.

The poll of over 6,000 individuals across the US, UK, Canada, Germany, France and New Zealand, examined key cybersecurity behaviours, attitudes and trends ahead of October's Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

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One in eight open source downloads have known and avoidable risks

This year has seen twice as many software supply chain attacks as 2019-2022 combined and one in eight open source downloads today pose known and avoidable risks.

The latest State of the Software Supply Chain Report from Sonatype, which logged 245,032 malicious packages in 2023, also shows that 96 percent of vulnerabilities are still avoidable.

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