Kenton Releases Information on AOL for Linux

Kenton Industries, responsible for the break-out of AOL 6.0 and earlier screenshots of the program, has just posted information pertaining to Gamera, the Linux version of AOL's flagship software. Recieved from, which found Gamera, the information concerns the pre-alpha of the aforementioned software, and sheds light on the secret project undergone at AOL.
While the majority of the featurs are non-functional at this time, the browser (based on gecko) is currently working, as well as mail, instant messenger, chat, and file transfer. The final version of the product will appear to have all of the functions of its Windows father, as the list of non-functional features is quite extensive at this time.
The testing of this version of AOL is being done internally at the Tokyo office, the link to the perl install script and the other files being to an internal server at the location.
For more information concerning Gamera, visit, or for other AOL information including an exclusive report on Gamera later this week.
An AOL-Inside staff member sent the link to a site he created for those of you who haven't seen Gamera information. This page is rather intuitive, and set up to be exactly like the setup/pre-beta information portion of Gamera would look and act. Check it out for a few more screenshots as well. He also created a site for AOL 6.0 that contains screenshots, a download link, and other information about the program.