Deskspace turns your desktop into a 3D virtual cube

You don’t have to have too many programs running to start to find the amount of space available on your desktop to be a little tight. Rather than rushing out to buy a larger monitor, you might want to think about trying a virtual desktop tool. There are plenty of these apps to choose from, many of which are very similar top each other, but DeskSpace stands out from the crowd with a delightful 3D interface.
The program provides you with six virtual desktops, each of which is the face of a cube. You can navigate from desktop to desktop by dragging your way around the cube faces in three dimensions, but you also have the option of jumping straight to a particular workspace by using a keyboard shortcut or a menu. This is not the first time that a three dimensional concept has been used in virtual desktops, but here it has been beautifully implemented.
The animation effects when moving from one desktop to another are impressively smooth and fluid, and the fact that each of your virtual desktops can be assigned its own background image helps with fast identification. As well as a unique background, each desktop can have its own set of shortcuts that will be loaded every time you have the program running -- this is a great way to give each desktop a specific purpose.
Applications and windows can be easily moved between virtual spaces by just moving them to the edge of the screen. Although there are free tools available that provide you with extra work space, this is an app that is worth considering paying for -- take the trial version for a test drive and you’re sure to fall in love with it. DeskSpace is surprisingly light on system resources, and you will find that it works well even on older computers, laptops and slower hardware.
You can find out more and download a trial version of the app by paying a visit to the DeskSpace review page.