Popcorn Time fights back -- moves domain after takedown

There's no accounting for what will happen if you run a website, especially a questionable one. We've all witnessed the trials and tribulations suffered by the folks behind the Pirate Bay. Others have been more fortunate, though the outcome for the site has been the same -- a takedown. Some give up, while others move on and fight to survive.
Popcorn Time falls into that latter category. The company has so far thwarted efforts to remove it from the internet, but recently faced yet another hurdle. The site's domain name was taken down -- a common problem to the folks at the Pirate Bay. No problem, just get a new one. Move along, nothing to see here.
"Because of some sort of legal investigation taking place in Belgium against us, our domain was removed. Just like that, without any notice.
This action was taken deliberately to harm our project. To take down Popcorn Time once again", the service says in a statement received by BetaNews.
However the service has moved on -- Time4Popcorn is now http://popcorn-time.se/, just as other services have moved along to stay one step ahead. It's all a game, but one played for keeps. We'll see who wins this time, but for the moment, it's the feds turn to make a move on the chess board.
Image Credit: ktsdesign / Shutterstock