Microsoft and Box expand integration for Office platforms

Cloud storage is everywhere these days, with many big players in the game. Despite that Microsoft runs its own service, OneDrive, which fully integrates with Office, that doesn't mean the company isn't open to allowing its customers to use a service of their choosing.
One of those options is Box, which has worked with Office for some time, but now the two pals are getting a bit closer by expanding the integration.
This update includes co-authoring being made available online. That means real-time edits to content which is stored in Box. This can be done with Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.
Box integration with iOS is also going live. Customers were previously able to view documents in the Box app on the mobile platform, but now will also have the option to edit them. Users can also now create and save documents using Box.
Finally, there is Box integration with, which means users will be able to attach files in Box to an email and send via the Microsoft service. That means no more saving a file to the desktop in order to accomplish this task.
"We designed the Cloud Storage Partner Program to make it easier for people, including Box customers, to work with Office documents no matter where they’re stored", says Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president of Microsoft Office. "Today we are making major enhancements to better enable our joint customers to work and collaborate fully in the cloud from any device".
Box points out that "Box for Office Online with real-time co-authoring and the Box integration with Office for iOS are available starting today to Box business customers with an Office 365 license and to all Box personal users. The Box integration with will be available to Box personal users in the coming weeks".