The spam map of the United States

What do California and New York have in common? They're both major centers of spam email according to new research, between them accounting for almost half of spam sent in the US.
The study from Comodo Threat Research Labs examined all of the email Comodo filtered for customers in the second half of 2015, specifically looking at spam, and conducted an IP address analysis of the millions of pieces of email spam that came into the Threat Research Labs.
Through this analysis researchers have been able to break down spam by state and determine where it originated from. IP addresses from California (24.37 percent) and New York (22.36 percent) sent nearly half of the spam Comodo filtered, while Utah (19.42 percent), Michigan (10.79 percent) and New Jersey (3.68 percent) IP addresses rounded out the top five states.
"California and New York were not really surprising in terms of the top two states because of population and technology innovation taking place in those geographies -- but finding Utah and Michigan in the top five was somewhat shocking," says Fatih Orhan, Comodo's Director of Technology and lead at the Comodo Threat Research Labs. "Millions of pieces of spam are being sent every day, and many customers rely on Comodo and our technology to help protect their enterprises across the US and around the globe by filtering this spam, protecting their endpoints and never letting it penetrate their IT networks".
You can see the map of states by amount of spam sent below and find out more about the research on the Comodo blog.
Photo Credit: Balefire/Shutterstock