Amazon bans non-standard-compliant USB Type-C cables and adapters

There are many USB Type-C cables on the market, but, as it has been pointed out numerous times, not all are standard compliant. Even the cable that ships with OnePlus 2, one of the few smartphones that support USB Type-C, is out of spec, and may not work flawlessly with other handsets. And this is a serious problem.
Cables that do not comply with the USB Type-C standard can cause permanent damage, as Google's Benson Leung has explained in his reviews of various options available on the market. Amazon has taken notice, banning such products that do not comply with the official standard.
As can be seen on its list of restricted electrics products, Amazon now prohibits sellers from offering "any USB-C™ (or USB Type-C) cable or adapter product that is not compliant with standard specifications issued by 'USB Implementers Forum Inc'".
This is a long-overdue move and a small victory for consumers. But it does not serve as a guarantee that every single USB Type-C cable, or adapter for that matter, available on Amazon is spec-compliant. The company will likely remove all problematic products, but there may be other cables that have yet to be discovered as out of spec available on its site.
Until manufacturers learn their lesson, it is still best to search for reviews on any USB Type-C cables, or adapters, that you may wish to purchase. It is better to spend some time on research than possibly having to replace a new laptop or expensive smartphone.
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