Cisco Offers to License 'iPhone' Name to Apple

A representative of Cisco Systems, which acquired the iPhone trademark by way of its Linksys division having acquired Infogear in 2000, told BetaNews this afternoon that it is offering to license its trademark for Apple's use, and has drawn up papers to that end.
"Given Apple's numerous requests to use the iPhone trademark, and extensive discussions with them," the representative told BetaNews, "it is our belief that with their announcement today, Apple intends to agree to the final documents and public statements that were distributed to them last night, and that addressed the last few remaining items. We expect to receive a signed agreement today."
The phrase "last few remaining items" implies that discussions between the two companies have been ongoing. Up until as late as this morning, press sources had begun distributing Web pages referring to Apple's "PodPhone," including with regard to its deal with Cingular Wireless.
Apple stock value has risen 7.4% in late afternoon trading Tuesday.