Leaked HTC 'G1' specifications reach critical mass

How long could an "open" system effectively been kept in the dark? The facts are stacking up, and HTC's "Dream" G1 Android phone has all but been completely revealed.

AndroidGuys, a blog dedicated to what else but Google's Android and its related handsets, has published a design drawing and compiled a list of specs for the highly anticipated HTC/T-Mobile/Google handset.

On Monday, FCC filings for the handset were made public, showing the G1's size (115mm x 55mm) and communications protocols (Quad-band GSM, UMTS, HSDPA, SUPL, 802.11b/g, GPS, Bluetooth 2.0). Earlier in the month, a video purporting to show the HTC Dream was leaked. One would think there were few surprises left for the device.

Yet there was one such surprise yesterday, if not for the "Dream" specifically then for the Android OS it will run on: the intentional omission of Bluetooth's API from the latest 0.9 version of the Android SDK. As BetaNews learned, Android couldn't pass on the latest Bluetooth API openly without exposing trade secrets.

To ensure that no stone has been left unturned, third-party Android developers have compiled a list detailing everything from the on-board apps to the "kicktail" design of the device's trailing edge.

While these must still be classified as "rumor," albeit with some pretty convincing-looking diagrams, the specs are nonetheless interesting.

The G1 is expected to have: a 528 MHz Qualcomm 7201 Processor, 64 MB RAM, 128 MB ROM, 1 GB microSD, 3.1 megapixel flashless Camera, 480 x 320 3.17" HVGA display, speakerphone, Google Calendar Sync, a dedicated YouTube player, downloadable Android Marketplace apps, and Google Maps supporting Street View.

The "arc slider"-style phone may bear a resemblance to the newest Sidekicks (manufacturer by Sharp), although it will be the first ever to be emblazoned with the "With Google" logo.

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