New Xbox to Debut on MTV Ahead of E3

Xbox fans will want their MTV come May 12. Microsoft on Monday announced a deal with the music channel to promote its next-generation Xbox across MTV's worldwide channels through a one-hour show on the network. The debut will come 4 days before the console's official press unveiling ahead of E3 in Los Angeles.
Elijah Wood, more commonly known for his role in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, will host the show alongside the popular rock group The Killers, who will perform. The Xbox special will first be seen in North America at 9:30pm, and then air Friday evening on MTV's other worldwide channels.
"We're proud that Microsoft considers MTV the premier global network to launch its new Xbox gaming console and reveal the first look to MTV viewers around the world," John Shea, executive vice president at MTV Networks said in a statement.
The special will provide a sneak peek at several games developed for the new console for the first time.
The deal also extends onto MTV's Web property,, where further details on the console will be given after the show. As part of the agreement, will also promote the Xbox, as well as talk about news surrounding the console and gaming releases.
All three major videogame console makers -- Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo -- are expected to either release or preview their next-generation consoles next month at E3, the gaming industry's yearly convention in Los Angeles.