T-Mobile Unveils Q-Like 'Dash' Phone

T-Mobile USA continued its push towards more fully featured phones by releasing the T-Mobile Dash, a branded version of the HTC S620 announced last month. The device looks and performs much like the Motorola Q, which has been a success for CDMA carrier Verizon Wireless.
The HTC S620 may be one of the hottest devices from the Taiwanese phone maker if the success of the Q is any indication. A GSM/EDGE handset, the phone also supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. The phone has been rumored to be launching in Europe through Vodafone.
Users of the T-Mobile Dash gain the benefit of being able to use the unit at any one of T-Mobile nearly 8,000 nationwide hotspots. Instant messaging and music player capabilities also add additional functionality to the device.
Other features include a 1.3-megapixel digital camera, MicroSD compatibility, and speakerphone capabilities. In addition, T-Mobile's MyFaves service would also be included in the phones, one of the first to do so.
Those wishing to purchase the Dash would have three options, the company said. The first would be to purchase the device outright at $349 USD. Those wishing to upgrade or purchase a new service contract would be able to get the phone at $249 USD for a one year, and $199 USD for a two year agreement.
JupiterResearch analyst Michael Gartenberg gives the HTC S620 high marks for both its functionality and ease of use. "The keys have great tactile feel, the backlight and screen are top notch and there's a few goodies added like predictive text that works and wifi in addition to quad band edge support," he said.
"Bottom line? This is a real breakthrough unit and it has the chance to really take Windows Media 5 to the mass market if marketed," Gartenberg added.