U.S Re-files Plan to Break-up Microsoft

The U.S government today re-filed its plan to break-up the Microsoft Corporation into two separate companies. With a ruling posssible as early as next week, the filing that came in the form of an order which District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson could sign and issue. Such an order could mandate the eventual breakup of Microsoft, and implement restrictions on Microsoft’s conduct starting in 90 days.
The proposal calls for a split in Microsoft that would separate the portion of the company that makes the Microsoft windows operating system for the rest of the company.
The government called Microsoft's approach to its penalties "a cynical ploy calculated to raise diversionary issues," and said that Microsoft had not been "forthright" throughout the trial.
While Microsoft contends that "We are confident the law and the facts are on our side."
Not too long after the government’s re-filing on Friday, Microsoft said it would "delay by three weeks its strategy on the next generation Windows operating system," as court decisions could drastically change Microsoft’s plans for its upcoming Operating Systems.