K-Meleon Makes Second Appearance

The second and much anticipated version of K-Meleon, the Gecko-based browser with the look and feel of IE, has been released. Major additions include multiple mouse button support, right-click context menus, more toolbar buttons, Windows scrollbars, and a much smaller install. K-Meleon offers a great alternative to those looking for the speed of the Gecko rendering engine without sacrificing usability. Author Christophe Thibault classifies this release as "much more usable."
K-Meleon v0.2 is based on a recent Mozilla M18 nightly build, providing a simple UI as a frontend, something many feel Netscape6 lacks. However, K-Meleon is not cross-platform and does not plan to offer the features found in the new AOL release. The goal of K-Meleon is to be fast, simple, and usable. Even in early beta stages, it could be used as a useful tool for Web development to quickly see how a Web site is rendered within Gecko.
Christophe plans to continue work on K-Meleon as much as possible while not coding Winamp3, however he hopes others will contribute to the browser now that it is on SourceForge.
Download K-Meleon v0.2 via FileForum and let us know what you think. Be sure to get involved in K-Meleon's development over at SourceForge.