New MP3 Player Helps Karaoke

A new MP3 player set to hit the market this weekend from First International Digital, a Motorola spinoff, should help those of you who like to sing along to the music. The Irock 680 player features a tiny display to show lyrics and visualizations for the new MP3 format being used by the player, created by Songdog and dubbed MP3i.

The new format allows graphics such as advertising, lyrics, liner notes, album art, and visualizations to be encoded directly into the file.

The Irock 680 features 64MB of memory, a 6 line LCD display, built-in microphone, voice recorder, USB connections, dual headphone jacks, and an FM tuner. The device will retail for $299 and hit retail stores when the Consumer Electronics Show begins on Saturday.

The new MP3i formatted files will be available on, which is part of Songdog's network, and cost uesrs between $1.50 and $3.00 depending on song age.

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