Stardock Debuts WebBlinds

BetaNews and Stardock have teamed up to announce the first public release of WebBlinds, a new tool for skinning Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. Using WebBlinds you can change the look of IE's toolbar buttons, animations, progress bar, and of course the window itself without downloading a separate bloated browser.

WebBlinds project manager, Ian Hanschen, tells BetaNews: "It's funny. There are entire companies based around building third party applications that host an IE window. Very inefficient. We work from the inside of Internet Explorer rather than trying to reinvent the framework. This means WebBlinds can be truely non-invasive, and at the same time improve your Internet experience."

This first release is still beta and prone to crash IE upon close on certain systems. Download WebBlinds 0.50 at FileForum, report any bugs, and get to skinning!

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