NVidia Dominating Markets, Taking Names Later

NVidia Corporation continues to blaze the path of innovation and market penetration as the leading graphics chip developer, reporting an estimated 62 percent increase in revenue from the previous year. NVidia announced revenue for the initial quarter of 2001 at $240.9 million, quite a respectable gain from the previous year's respectable mark of $148.5 million in revenue.

With the close of this previous quarter, NVidia has finalized consuming the hearty meal that was previously known as 3dfx Interactive, assimilating key graphics assets from the company
into the heart of the new NVidia graphics chip empire.

NVidia will be joining the coveted Nasdaq-100 Index starting on the 31st of this month, bumping VoiceStream Wireless Corporation out of the listing and replacing them in the index. The Nasdaq-100 Index has grown over 48 percent over the past three years, and the addition of NVidia to the list displays that market analyst are well aware of the substantial growth the company is having, and the bright future for the graphics chip developer and manufacturer.

With the recent release of the GeForce 3 for the PC market, and the upcoming release of the XBox from Microsoft, whose video sub-system is pumped through NVidia chips, one can certainly
expect impressive announcements from the
company in the upcoming quarters.

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