Red Hat Releases 'Severn' Beta

On Monday, Red Hat released the first beta of the next version of its Red Hat Linux distribution. Codenamed "Severn," it represents not just a new version but also a major change in the way the distribution is developed.
The beta release includes changes to the installation procedure, as well as enhanced security and notebook support. The kernel includes Exec-shield, which helps limit the severity of buffer overflow exploits, and the ability to prevent loading kernel modules. Along with ACPI support, Severn includes a laptop mode, which allows the hard drive to become idle, increasing battery life.
With the release, Red Hat announced the end of Red Hat Linux as a retail product. Now called the Red Hat Linux Project, the development process has been opened up to the Linux community. Developers are able to contribute and maintain code and documentation, including new software packages. Red Hat plans to base future versions of their commercial products on the new release, and will retain final control over what is added.
Red Hat Linux "Severn" is available for download on FileForum. More information can be found in the release notes.