AOL Trials Online Backup System
America Online is beta testing an online backup system for its subscribers, PC World first reported Friday. AOL members may save duplicates of their personal files, pictures and documents to redundant AOL datacenters as insurance against computing catastrophe.
AOL tells BetaNews that backup data is encrypted and password protected to deny others unauthorized access. The backups are recurring and performed automatically.
When the go-ahead is given for a general release, AOL users can purchase the service as a premium option at a cost of $2.95 USD for 100 MB of storage, $4.95 USD for 250 MB of storage, or $9.95 USD for 1 GB of storage. AOL has not committed itself to a release date.
AOL developers cite a membership survey which revealed that more than half of its members have experienced data loss as the motivating factor behind the service's creation.
The beta is only open to registered AOL beta testers. AOL members who want more information on the program can visit Keyword: Beta. The service may be accessed through the AOL client software or through any Web browser.