Excuse Me, I Have To Download

A leading British futurologist says that by mid-century, the technology may be available where someone could actually "download" himself or herself to a computer, allowing virtual immortality. Ian Pearson, head of British Telecom's futurology unit, used the release of the PlayStation 3 as an example of things to come.

The new PS3 is one percent as powerful as the human brain. "It is into supercomputer status compared to 10 years ago. PlayStation 5 will probably be as powerful as the human brain," Pearson told the paper.

Artificial intelligence may not be far off either. Based on current technologies, a computer with a consciousness could be available by 2020.

"We're already looking at how you might structure a computer that could become conscious," Pearson explained. "Consciousness is just another sense, effectively, and that's what we're trying to design in computer."

The technology for brain downloads would likely be available to the rich at first, becoming available to average consumers towards the end of this century. By 2075 or 2080, Pearson says, such a practice may be commonplace.

However, such advances would not come without an ethical price. "You need a complete global debate," he continued. "Whether we should be building machines as smart as people is a really big one."

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