AOL Previews Suite, Improves AIM Mail

In a further indication that AOL is considering phasing out its all-in-one client and moving customers to its new suite of integrated applications, the company on Wednesday began offering a preview of AOL Suite to all members. The software is not yet final, but is being offered outside keyword Beta for the first time.
The AOL Suite Preview integrates an updated version of AOL Mail, the AOL Explorer browser and AIM Triton. A NavBar resides on the side of the screen to launch applications and provide instant access to AOL services such as travel and keywords.
AOL Suite also connects subscribers with the new Safety and Security Center and AOL Pictures online photo application. The company has placed enormous development resources on the project, issuing weekly updates to the software and providing technical assistance over the phone.
AOL also began testing a CD installation of the software code-named "Topeka" last week. But the company still remains undecided as to how it will eventually market AOL Suite once it goes final.
"With the Preview edition, we're seeding the product with our broadband members and gauging their reaction to the integrated suite of popular applications as well as to our marketing and communications activities surrounding it to determine the next phase of the AOL Suite roll-out," a company spokesperson told BetaNews.
Subscribers can download the software starting today by visiting keyword AOL Suite.
AOL is also making improvements to its Web based AOL Mail and AIM Mail products, which will be rolled out to users early next year. The updates "are designed to help make it more convenient for consumers to access their email accounts and manage their email communications," the company says.
An initial beta test beginning Wednesday will feature support for linked screen names that enable users can access mail from a number of different accounts without logging out and signing back in.
AOL is also integrating its Calendar with AOL and AIM Mail. Users can simply drag and drop an e-mail to create a new event or task. In order to view the calendar and contacts without opening another window, AOL has added another panel to its Mail user interface.
Interested AOL or AIM users can signup for the Web mail beta by visiting The company has additionally released a beta version of the AOL Toolbar for Firefox on Windows and Mac OS X, which provides quick access to AOL Search and content.