Coalition Finalizes Spyware Definitions

The Anti-Spyware Coalition has published a final draft of criteria to use in defining whether or not a software application is spyware. The document is designed to help anti-spyware vendors properly categorize malware and avoid legal attacks from companies who claim their software is unfairly targeted.
With 43 percent of Internet users reporting they have been infected with spyware, tools to detect and remove the malicious applications have become a prerequisite for PC users. But much confusion still exists on what constitutes spyware and adware, which has led to improper classification and even lawsuits.
The Anti-Spyware Coalition, headed by the Center for Democracy & Technology with support from industry giants AOL, Earthlink, Microsoft, and Yahoo is attempting to set the record straight with a series of guidelines. A draft of the "risk modeling" document was issued in October and opened for comments.
The ASC says the final version reflects input from over 100 comments.
"By demystifying the process of identifying and flagging spyware, the risk-modeling description gives consumers a clearer understanding of how anti-spyware software protects them. It should also begin to aid software developers in making safer, more consumer-friendly software," said Ari Schwartz, deputy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology.
With the document complete, the Coalition will hold a public workshop on February 9 entitled "Defining the Problem, Creating Solutions." The event will include government regulators, state technology and law enforcement officials, as well as individuals from public interest groups and Internet companies.
The ASC's work has not been without criticism, however. In order to join the group, a company must pay $10,000 each year and be voted in unanimously by current organization members. Some smaller companies have claimed this barrier to entry makes it impossible for them to take part in the process.