Google Goes Mobile with Blogger, News

Google has linked up with phone manufacturer Sony Ericsson to deliver a mobile Web log application that integrates with the search giant's Blogger service. In addition, Google on Tuesday unveiled a special version of Google News tailored to the small screens of cell phones.
Sony Ericsson's K610, K790 and K800 models will ship with the blog tool, which connects with the mobile camera to quickly post photos while on the go. The application also features a simplified sign-up process for those without a personal blog through Google.
The phones will additionally provide icons for launching Google Web Search; Google has been selected as the default search provider for all of Sony Ericsson's phones. Users can launch searches without needing to load a Web page, with results formatted specifically for Sony Ericsson handsets.
"By providing people with direct access to features like mobile search and blogging, we're able to create a more personalized, user-friendly experience," said Google vice president Nikesh Arora in a statement.
Separately from the Sony Ericsson announcement, Google is now offering its news headlines for users away from their PC.
"You can access the news you want, whenever you want, by using a search box, top headline listings, and browsable news categories. Just type on your Web-enabled phone, and click the link to Google News," explained Google Mobile software engineer Erin Earl.
"Today's tech-savvy consumers are becoming increasingly more mobile and demand access to information on-the-go, whether it's the latest news headlines or directions to a favorite restaurant," added Arora.