HD Radio to See Broader Availability

A group of broadcasters unveiled their plans to further promote high-definition radio receivers by announcing new deals with retailers that would make it easier for consumers to access the service. Altogether, some $200 million in advertising and promotions is planned this year.
HD Radio promises to give FM broadcasts a free boost to near-CD quality, and gives AM near-FM quality sound. Also, radio stations are able to broadcast up to two digital sub-stations on top of the traditional frequency.
However, the format has so far been plagued by a lack of interest and availability of compatible receivers.
To remedy that problem, the HD Radio Alliance -- made up of broadcasters such as Beasley, Clear Channel, ABC and CBS Radio among others -- said Monday that equipment would be available in 100-plus stores nationwide including Tweeter and ABC Warehouse Detroit, with an expanded commitment from online and catalog retailer Crutchfield.
Tweeter would begin selling the units through its online store and in its 200 stores in the Northeast, South, Southwest and Illinois. ABC Warehouse stores are located in several markets in the Midwest.
"Consumer demand for HD Digital Radio receivers has increased significantly over the past few months as consumers see the incredible value HD Radio offers," HD Radio Alliance president and CEO Peter Ferrara claims.
Each of the retailers are now running HD Radio commercials, with the Alliance also providing additional advertising support. In-store and online education programs for customers will begin as well, alongside training for store employees.
But receivers capable of receiving the HD stations still remain quite expensive. Home receivers generally start around $300 USD with the boxes needed to use HD Radio on compatible in-car stereos costing around $200 USD.
However, the service itself is free, which the group says is an advantage over satellite radio services XM and Sirius that charge a monthly fee.