AMD Server Share Jumps in 2Q

Analyst firm Mercury Research said Tuesday that AMD's server share jumped in the second quarter to just over a quarter of the market, while its overall processor share continues to increase at the expense of Intel. AMD now holds 21.6 percent of the market, while Intel holds on to 72.6 percent. This is nearly a10 point slide from last year for Intel, when it had an 82.2 percent share. AMD has gained just over five percent from a 16.2 percent market share in the second quarter of 2005.
AMD has been able to successfully corner Intel, chipping away at its market share with processors that are more powerful and power efficient. AMD's Opteron line has proven to be a major success for the company, although Intel hopes its new Xeon processor will be able to reverse that trend. Additionally, Intel expects its Core 2 Duo consumer processors will halt AMD's gains in that market.